Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Power to Influence

The ups and downs of life, be what they may, can be so affected by our attitudes. Life wasn't promised to be a piece of cake, as much as I wish it were. I'm not going to lecture on the shallow, be happy be's really much deeper, yet much simpler than that. TB has a good analogy of making choices; choices either rooted in fear or rooted in love. Much of my personal growth has been improved by stopping myself, and asking what is my behavior rooted in, what energies am I putting out. I think becoming aware of how much we can positively, or negatively, affect ourselves, and others is the first step...

Is your core generator producing positive or negative energy?

"We are what we believe we are."

-C.S. Lewis

"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

-William Butler Yeats


MrsS said...

Gosh! You're good. xx

Anonymous said...

aw gee, I do try! ;)

some days are easier than others...


storyteller said...

This ‘resonates’ with my own beliefs … and I’m reminded of one of the many reasons I’m happy to have encountered you and Talking Bear in this ‘virtual world’ …
Hugs and blessings,