Words can't really express for me today all that I'm feeling, on my 20th wedding anniversary. What a journey it has been for us, both the good and the bad, the ups, downs and sideways. All I can say is, we were soooo young!! Relationships are not always easy, and I honestly think our being best friends, and our faith and commitment to One greater, are what kept us through the lows and hard spots. My wordcrafting husband has also shared his thoughts; if you all haven't already guessed, he's Talking Bear. For those reading this, I do so want to encourage you in your relationships. There seems to be so much coming against marriage, faithfulness, commitment these days. I do believe Love conquers all things.
"Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love"
"All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest--never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership."
-Ann Landers Says Truth Is Stranger..., 1968
and from TB's blog:
"More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse."
-Doug Larson
and, as I am a dog-lover...
"Getting a dog is like getting married. It teaches you to be less self-centered, to accept sudden, surprising outbursts of affection, and not to be upset by a few scratches on your car."
-Will Stanton
Blessings to you, fellow blog readers! :)
Let me be the first to congratulate you both on your fabulously achievement - your 20th anniversary. You've come a long way and possibly have a longer way to go yet so you must be doing a lot of things correctly.
We'll be celebrating our 40th next month and, I can tell you honestly, it hasn't been easy. I remember the really, really bad times, low times, I'm getting out of this times, but more importantly, I remember the I wouldn't change him for the world, times. We have so many differences of opinion and always voice them (loudly) - we're two strong personalities battling against one another sometimes, but it's the important things we agree upon and that's what counts.
I sincerely hope your next 20 are more wonderful than your last. xx
Congratulations - keeping fighting the good fight! :-)
congratulations! and that will stanton is right on the money.
congratulations on your 20th! hells bells...i'm on marriage #2 and it's only been a little over 3 yrs. doing the blended family thing is hard, too. i get jealous of those who manage to make it through w only one marriage that lasted several years lol :) hope you two are enjoying yourselves.
Congrulations on this milestone. I know you will like Mrs. G too.
Hi all!!
thanks for your comments! :)x
May the best ye've ever seen
Be the worst ye'll ever see
May a moose ne'er leave yer girnal
Wi' a tear drap in his e'e
May ye aye keep hale an' he'rty
Till ye're auld eneuch tae dee
May ye aye be jist as happy
As we wish ye aye tae be
Translations are available!!
Fish Wife and I are looking forward to our 20th anniversary in October. Aye, it seems jist like yesterday!
congratulations! it will be 21 for us this year. i love the larson quote...sometimes the worse really does come after the better :-)
oops... i said it backwards :-) hmmm... someone could psychologically analyze that if they were really bored!
oh Lucy, I could so analyze your wonderfully terrible honestly sweet revelation of things at 0400 in the a.m....after the fact that I can barely type sensibly as I've imbibed a wee bit of vino in celebration tonite at a wonderful surprise anniversary party/dinner with some friends...who happens to know an excellent piper (Scots pipes) and drummer, accompanied with a fiddler and bass/guitar players (the band is Silent Planet)...anyway...I'm hoping to be slightly coherent in the morn... ;))) And, blessings to you all.. :)
ER, och, it's the wee bit 'o craic in the sma' hoors that helped me ken the meaning 'o yer words...I'm fairly puggled the noo, but ahl be back later should ah have need o' further translation... (thank you for your well-wishes) :)
HGF - Re translation - top marks!
'girnal' is a container - box or drawer for storing oats in. So the meaning is 'may you always have food'.
In some places they would make the porridge and store it in the drawer as a solid food! An early version of flapjack??
And by the way, all cousins have been duly threatened - mainly with similar, but more hideous revenge!!
Hi ER,
thanks for clarifying girnal as I wasn't sure. flapjacks, oatcakes, teething bread?! ;)
haha, about your family...now, now, tis painless really...I actually was looking forward to seeing yous!! ;)
(...lucky for my cousin she has an ocean between us!! (just teasing, Peajay)) :)
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