Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hope eternal

Well, my first week in this new year has been very busy to say the least. It would seem lots of people wanted new year's babies so the nursery is full, and the nurses are getting over-time....which always a good thing!! :) I've been reading on a few different blogs and the posts were about hope. Good stuff, and I'll be back to post the links later, as I'm out the door, and off to care for the wee ones. Photo credit goes to:

Quote of the day/week:

Hope is passion for what is possible.-- Soren Kierkegaard.


Kayce aka lucy said...

love the photo!!! it is perfect for the topic of hope :-)

Les (Endlessly Restless) said...

I love the quotation - Kiekegaard has a great turn of phrase. But if 'all things are possible', then hope simply becomes passion - which is an intriguing thought. Are situations then only hopeless because we lack the necessary passion?

I think I need to lie down now :-)

His Girl Friday said...

Hi Lucy,
yes I thought the photo was great, just really struck my fancy. :)
I was reading at your blog re: hope, so once I formulate something 'intelligent' to say, I'll add your link!! ;)

Hi ER,
don't worry you're not alone, I had to have a lie down as well...made me think about things way too much. :)