Monday, November 5, 2007

Mojave Desert Musing

" Many of us want to make a difference with our lives. Everyone has different perspectives, and may come up with a solution to a problem that no one else would have thought of. I value your opinion. Together we can become more than we could be by ourselves."


storyteller said...

This photo reminds me of a painting created by my Aunt Joy years ago. I think my sister has it, but she's on the road so it's in "storage".

Thanks for sharing the link to Sleepy Bear Hollow. I shall return to check it out later when time permits.

His Girl Friday said...

This is on the way to Bishop off of the 14; the moon was really neat...the photo in no way captures it nor the sky...ah, for a better camara!! ;)

SleepyBearHollow....roll up your sleeves, and get ready to read some 'good stuff'!! :)